One of the disadvantages of digital photography, we all know the many advantages, is the…

The Master Photographers Association (MPA) recognise and approve Barrett & Coe training courses and the level of photography past students can achieve.
Our photography diploma is nationally recognised if you become a Franchisee the MPA will award you with a Dip.PP (Diploma in Photographic Practice), a government recognised qualification as a professional photographer.
“The MPA professional qualifications of Licentiate, Associate and Fellow, are wholly accepted within the photographic industry and certifies that the photographer has reached professional qualifying: in addition, the MPA’s business qualification – the Diploma in Photographic Practice – is based upon comprehensive business skills assessment and is a benchmark competence recognised by Skillset and the diploma standards have been formally mapped to Photo Imaging National Standards.”
From Trevor Lewis (Hon) FMPA Dip.PP (Hons)
This qualification and designatory letters are relevant to our franchisees, but the training is the same for independent students. We are also registered with the UK register of learning Providers used by government departments, agencies, learners and employers to share key information about learning providers.
On completion of our accredited photography courses many of our ex students have gone onto become a Barrett & Coe Franchisee and run their own studio. This involves regular training to improve and develop skills learnt from our courses to achieve industry recognised qualifications.
The ex students listed below achieved MPA Licentiate status from the Master Photographers Association during March 2014. Click on the names below to see examples of their work.
Mark Adams
Gill Alexander
Andrew Ginger
Ruth Geraghty
Jonathan Holt
Gregg Smith
Paul Sumner
Ian Wilson
The ex students listed below achieved MPA Licentiate status from the Master Photographers Association during July 2012. Click on each of the names below to see examples of their work.
Caroline Brocklehurst
Peter Evans
Luke Fisher
Kathy Holmes
Mark Hopwood
Paul Jones
Loraine Mallon
Paul Milsom
Heather Neudecker
Bernie Ramsay
Julia Taylor
Marisa Taylor
Brenda Wooldridge