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If you have a question for us regarding photography experiences or an upcoming booking, then please visit our FAQ page.

If your question hasn’t been answered there, then please complete our enquiry form below.

As we have multiple franchise studios across the UK, you may find our studios page helpful to give you specific contact information ahead of your photography experience.

Alternatively, call 01603 629739 or complete the form below (all fields are required) and we will be in touch.




    Phone Number


    Nature of enquiry

    Which studio did you attend?

    Please type your enquiry below

    How did you find us?

    Best time to call

    I give permission to be contacted via one of the methods above to deal with my enquiry

    I'm happy to receive updates and offers from Barrett & Coe Limited and associated studios

    Please note: All enquiries received via this form will be responded to during office hours (Monday – Friday, 8.30am – 5pm)

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