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One of our latest marketing initiatives came to fruition yesterday. It was a Portrait offer on a well known web site which produced 63 paid family sittings in a single day and the offer is up for another 48 hours!

This form of marketing is very beneficial but there is a lot of competition to get on the best sites.

63 family sittings should average about £450 per sitting, so this single days advertising should realise sales of £28,000.

Our one day introductory seminar is on Sunday March 27 and places are going fast.

Come along, meet students currently on a course, some franchisees, and learn some of our photography and marketing secrets!

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Andrew Coe

Andrew Coe is great grandson of Albert Edward Coe who founded the Coe photography businesses 150 years ago. He is recognised as one of the leading teachers of wedding and portrait photography in the UK having been commissioned by City & Guilds to write the first module for the Higher National NVQ Diploma in Portrait in this field. He has also been commissioned to give seminars in New York, Las Vegas, Madrid, Cologne and many other international venues. He owns the franchise for the largest group of wedding and portrait studios in the UK which has photography contracts with many national retailers and other major brand names. He founded the first chain of one hour mini labs in the UK (all with wedding and portrait studios attached), the largest advertising and commercial studio in East Anglia, a leading professional colour lab and has trained more people to become full time photographers than anyone else in the UK.

Andrew Coe is great grandson of Albert Edward Coe who founded the Coe photography businesses 150 years ago. He is recognised as one of the leading teachers of wedding and portrait photography in the UK having been commissioned by City & Guilds to write the first module for the Higher National NVQ Diploma in Portrait in this field. He has also been commissioned to give seminars in New York, Las Vegas, Madrid, Cologne and many other international venues. He owns the franchise for the largest group of wedding and portrait studios in the UK which has photography contracts with many national retailers and other major brand names. He founded the first chain of one hour mini labs in the UK (all with wedding and portrait studios attached), the largest advertising and commercial studio in East Anglia, a leading professional colour lab and has trained more people to become full time photographers than anyone else in the UK.

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