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Summer is the time when many couples choose to tie the knot, this means it can be a very busy, and lucrative, time for wedding photographers. If you’re new to wedding photography, photographing the happy couple on their wedding day can be a very rewarding, but also daunting, experience. The photos you capture on this day will be treasured by the couple for years to come and will be something brought out to show family and friends, now and in the future.

Ensuring that you capture the best possible shots of the bride and groom, along with their guests, is your main goal as a wedding photographer.

These tips will help you to do this:

mwise-wedding1Before the event
Research is key prior to the wedding day. Initially you should meet with the bride and groom to discuss what they want to gain from their wedding shots, for example do they want informal photos or staged shots? Knowing the type of shots the couple want will help you to plan how you will capture them on the actual day. If, for example, the couple want photos of every aspect of the event, from the bride having her hair done to cutting the cake, then you know you need to find out how and where you need to be to capture these shots.

It is also vital that you visit the wedding location, or locations, prior to the day. Use this time to see where the best shot can be taken, keeping in mind what will provide the best background setting. Also, plan for the British summer, which means knowing what will happen if it rains and where the best indoor shots can be taken, or if it is sunny you need to find the perfect outdoor locations away from harsh sunlight.

Lighting is a key factor during the summer months. If the weather is overcast, this usually provides the ideal lighting, however often you will have to deal with direct sunlight, which can mean shadows creating unflattering shots. Factor this in when choosing outdoor locations and the equipment you will take on the day.

barrett-coe-wedding-photography-65On the day
On the day of the wedding it is important to be at the right locations in time to capture the shots the bride and groom have requested. This means going to the hairdressers or to the bride’s home early in the morning, if she has asked for shots of her and her bridesmaids getting ready. It also means being at the church or hotel before the ceremony and staying into the evening.

Also, throughout the day look at small details that you can capture images of. Often a couple will have spent time planning every little aspect of their day and they will appreciate shots that show this attention to detail. This means observing everything from the place names on tables to the pre-wedding breakfast drinks.

Weddings can be challenging as you cannot control the lighting and environment. If you’ve done the necessary pre-day research you will have an idea of what to expect, whether the day turns out to be hot and sunny or raining, and so you should take the equipment to fit the locations. Keep in mind the fact that wedding days are often busy, meaning that you will not have the time to go back to your vehicle to retrieve extra equipment.

As well as this, many of the wedding guest will be wanting to take their own photos of the bride and groom, however it is important to remember that you are being paid to photograph the wedding and, as such, your shots should be the priority. You will need to politely but firmly keep control of the situation, this is particularly important for group shots where you need to ensure that everyone is looking in your direction.

If you are looking to turn your wedding photography into a full time business it is important to gain a good reputation as a wedding photographer and to get recommendations. One way of ensuring this is to act professionally before, during and after the wedding day. Although it will take a while to edit the photos, keeping the couple up to date with the process and meeting deadlines as to when they receive the photos, is a vital aspect of maintaining a good reputation.

Barret & Coe provides wedding photography courses that are ideal for those wanting to take their photography to a professional level

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